
More About: CMS...Which is Best?

Civi integrates with: Drupal, Joomla! and WordPress. Whether you are contemplating the first install or planning a website overhaul, this is an extremely biased video about my opinions regarding these CMS and CiviCRM. You are welcome to your own opinion - this is mine.

More About: Drupal User Accounts and CiviCRM Contacts

This video shows us how the 'sync' between Drupal user accounts and CiviCRM works. Explore how Civi profile settings control the Drupal user eperience and take a peek at the CiviCRM User Dashboard.

How to: Gift Memberships With Webform

Someone buying a membership for someone else? Can do! Use Drupal's powerful "Webform CiviCRM Integration" module to produce a long sought after CiviCRM feature: gift memberships.

How to: Register for Multiple Events With Webform

Using the CiviCRM Webform Integration module it's now possible to register multiple contacts for multiple events different events and pay all at once. This module must be installed by your administrator first. This video shows how to use the module to great effect in this particular events use case.

Introducing... CiviCRM Drupal Webform Integration

Explore the capabilities and common use cases for Civi's integration with Drupal's Webform. Specific use cases will be covered in subsequent videos.

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