
More About: Drupal User Accounts and CiviCRM Contacts

This video shows us how the 'sync' between Drupal user accounts and CiviCRM works. Explore how Civi profile settings control the Drupal user eperience and take a peek at the CiviCRM User Dashboard.

More About: Reducing Duplicates

This video helps you understand what the Duplication rules are and how they work. We'll discuss the purpose of Unsupervised, Supervised and General duplicate rules and how to configure them to meet certain goals. There is no magic bullet, but with the right settings and understanding you'll be on a path to higher quality data.

Introducing... Importing Contacts

Most people arrive at CiviCRM with at least a little bit of data from somewhere else, even if it's just an Excel spreadsheet. Without covering the limitless possibilities of the types of data you might import, this video shows the best practices for importing contacts (Individuals, Households, Organizations, etc) into CiviCRM along with their basic information: address, phone, email and so on. I'll discuss dedupe rules, import settings, data cleaning tips, building relationships when you import... and the best ways to avoid making a mess as you transition to CiviCRM.

How to: Add a Contact

Simple video showing you how to add a person or organization to the database.

How to: Change Available States, Provinces and Countries

Form stuck with just one (or a few) countries? Change the country dropdown on the form and add more!

How to: Use CiviMail to Send Bulk Email

How to bulk mail to multiple contacts via CiviMail. Your system administrator must configure the mail system first. This video covers:
  • creating mailing lists
  • choosing and using the include/exclude list feature
  • choosing a "from name"
  • selecting templates
  • HTML vs. plain text
  • how to include images
  • basic HTML editing
  • best practices
  • test mails
  • an overview of bounce tracking and reporting

Introducing... Custom Email and Postal Greetings

Does your organization use greetings such as "Dear FirstName" or "Mr. FirstName Lastname"? Have you ever wanted to customize greetings for one or more contacts, to make it more nuanced for their particular needs such as for dual-last name couples "Dear John Baker and Mary Martin" or "Mrs. Samantha Sanchez and ABC Associates, Inc." This video shows how.

How to: Delete and Recover Contacts

Throw them in the trash but BE CAREFUL! Don't destroy your data. Find who is in the trash and bring them back.

How to: Batch Update Multiple Contacts via Profile

Ever want to update the data of more than one contact, participant, or contribution at once? That's what "batch update" is for. This video shows you how.

More About: Relational Databases

Miss your spreadsheets? Wondering why this new system is necessary and why it's so weird? This will help ease the pain.


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